Road Directorate proposes to shut down BOT tollbooths in Tet holiday

The Directorate for Roads of Vietnam has proposed the Ministry of Transport to shut down all BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) toll stations from mid night on the last day in year of the Dog till midnight on the second day in year of the Pig.

 A tollbooth in Highway 91 (Photo: SGGP)
A tollbooth in Highway 91 (Photo: SGGP)
Currently, there is no regulations on toll collection halt in holidays. Still because the number of vehicles through BOT stations is traditionally not high in the Tet so the toll collection halt will not affect financial plan of BOT projects.
Meantime, the halt will create conditions for residents and tollbooth staff to celebrate the lunar New Year.
Previously some businesses sent a document proposing the Ministry of Transport and the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam to permit toll collection stop in Tet holiday.
However the directorate disagreed with the proposal fearing the halt will affect revenue and lengthen toll collection time of BOT projects. Moreover, current legal documents stipulate that tollbooths operate 24/7 around the year including holidays and Tet.
The Ministry of Transport said that it will soon consider the proposal.

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