Chinese hackers continues to attack Vietnamese websites

Chinese hackers have continued to attack Vietnamese websites, with 25 organizations, businesses, and individuals becoming victims on May 12, taking the total number in four days to 240, according to

Websites with domain extension account a third of the 240, followed by .vn and .com. Seven sites ending with have also been hacked.

SecurityDaily and CMC Inforsec Company said hacker group 1937cN has carried out the most attacks.

The hackers have taken advantageous of gaps in server systems to control websites, change their contents, delete data, and deliver malicious codes.

The group set up website to incite Chinese hackers to attack Vietnamese websites.

It is supposed to be the strongest one in China, according to CMC Infosec, and has carried out 36,820 attacks so far.

Their victims include domain name system servers of and, which were hacked last August.

Businesses should appraise and strengthen their security systems, remove malicious codes, and backdoors to prevent possible damages, Nguyen Hong Phuc, an expert from HVA, one of Vietnam’s oldest Internet security forums, said.

They should also warn their staff against clicking on strange links.

Related article:
220 Vietnamese websites attacked by Chinese hackers

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