La Nina to bring rainfalls, cool until May

Vietnam is under influence of La Nina which will last until May this year to bring rainfalls and cool, according to National Hydro Meteorological Forecasting Center.
La Nina to bring rainfalls, cool until May
Southern region and Central Highlands have entered dry season but southern provinces will still see unseasonable rains. Temperatures in the next three months will approximate the average level during the same period in many previous years.
The rainy season is forecast to come soon with precipitation in April and May possibly being 15-30 percent higher than the average level during the same period in many years.
Cold fronts will continue affecting the northern region from now until April with gradually decreasing intensity and frequency. Bitter cold condition might occur this month and in the first half of next month but not prolong.
Heat waves might occur late, not prolong and not be severe.

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